Clark Gable credited as playing...
Devereaux Burke
- Devereaux Burke: Put it this way - I've always had a wandering foot. This is the first time I've ever wanted a woman.
- Minniver Bryan: [Taking him literally] What?
- Devereaux Burke: Hear me out. This is the first time I've ever wanted a woman to be my wife.
- Devereaux Burke: You're a strange woman.
- Martha Ronda: Am I?
- Devereaux Burke: Yeah. But, still a lot of woman.
- Devereaux Burke: Well, she's still a lot of woman. You know when you rub your hand over silk, you get a shock and you see little sparks? Well, I figure that's what will happen if I stroked her.
- Devereaux Burke: It's convenient to have a woman you can take for granted. Not very exciting, but, convenient. I've never been that lucky.
- Martha Ronda: Would you want that sort of woman?
- Devereaux Burke: Frankly, no. And I'll tell you something else, I don't think you're that sort of woman. Are you? - Are you?
- Martha Ronda: Am I?
- Devereaux Burke: Come here.
- [kiss]
- Devereaux Burke: I guess that just about covers it.
- Minniver Bryan: You left out one detail. You didn't tell me you were in love.
- Devereaux Burke: Why do you say that?
- Minniver Bryan: Had a milk cow once. Each time she went dry she looked like you do right now. That was love.
- Martha Ronda: Dev...
- Devereaux Burke: Why pretend the truth isn't the truth? I've known ever since that night on the patio. You'll never kiss another man like that. Some women might; but not you.
- [kiss]
- Minniver Bryan: All this fuss over a flea-bitten, bog-spattin', rough-sprung republic that can't...
- Devereaux Burke: Careful, Minni. I'm a Texan. And this flea-bitten, bog-spattin', rough-sprung republic of ours is bigger than a dozen of your little United States all put together. It also grows some beautiful women.
- Minniver Bryan: You get your job done before you start lollygaggin'!
- Devereaux Burke: I just like to live a balanced life. Some of this, some of that.
- Devereaux Burke: [to Jackson] If I'm going to risk my neck again, I want to come out of it this time with something more than glory.
- Bud Yoakum: Sir, I thought you said a smart man knows when to quit.
- Devereaux Burke: Who says I'm smart?
- Devereaux Burke: What about the treaty with Mexico?
- Sam Houston: Oh, that. That was only to build fear in the minds of those who barred the gates to us. Those idiots in Washington who've set their hands against us because of our slaves!
- Mizette: This is most discouraging, mon ami. Do you think Texas is worth all this?
- Devereaux Burke: I hope so. It better be!