Peggy Dow credited as playing...
Carrie Turner
- Carrie Turner: [in Jack's clutches] Can't a girl say 'there's a moon' in this town without having you lunge at her?
- Carrie Turner: I've a plan for myself. I've made up my mind - until I'm twenty-five, nothing serious.
- Jack Greer: Twenty-five? That's five more years.
- [gets closer, starts to nuzzle her]
- Carrie Turner: That's right.
- Jack Greer: The world could blow up in five years.
- Carrie Turner: Well, we'll just have to take that chance.
- Jack Greer: What do you expect to do for five years
- [pulls away from her quickly]
- Jack Greer: ... knit?
- Carrie Turner: [exasperated, stands up] Keep walking.