Wilfrid Hyde-White credited as playing...
Mr. Luke - British consul
- Mr. Luke - British consul: I'd like to be present when you search the train.
- Commandant Anton Razinski: That will not be necessary.
- Mr. Luke - British consul: Nevertheless, I'd like to be present just in case of an accident.
- Commandant Anton Razinski: Accident?
- Mr. Luke - British consul: An accident can sometimes be more convenient than a trial and less embarrassing.
- Commandant Anton Razinski: Very well, it will make no difference.
- Commandant Anton Razinski: It does not appear that Miss Conway is on the train.
- [Takes out another cigar]
- Mr. Luke - British consul: Perhaps she left by air.
- Commandant Anton Razinski: If she had attempted to do so, I would have known. Therefore, she is still in the country.
- [Lights his cigar with relish]
- Mr. Luke - British consul: Of course.
- [Nodding]
- Commandant Anton Razinski: Therefore, I shall find her.
- Mr. Luke - British consul: Your patience is inexhaustible, my dear Commandant.
- Commandant Anton Razinski: And when I do find her, I shall know what to do.
- Mr. Luke - British consul: I wish you joy, Commandant.
- [Starts laughing in which Razinski joins until he realises he has been fooled and Frances and Bill are on the train which has just left. His face falls and he turns, looking despairingly at the receding train]