An unusual war film, primarily based on dialogues, seeking a psychological depth of the main characters. It is a low-budget production that theatrically explores the daily lives of a group of aviators whose routine is disrupted by the arrival of a singer from the army's entertainment service. Through this narrative device, the film depicts the harsh realities of the aviators' daily lives, alternating between combat and rest.
The characters are quite believable, and the dialogues are well-structured, although there is a certain naivety in the storytelling that, despite being strange, creates an atmosphere of dreaminess that characterizes the film. It's true that everyone here is a good guy, courteous gentlemen in the presence of an angelic lady and the prototype of the perfect American girlfriend. This is one of the less interesting aspects of the film, which could have otherwise achieved a higher cinematic level thanks to its unique and peculiar sound narration, based on dialogues as if it were a radio drama.