How to Be Very, Very Popular (1955)
Tommy Noonan: Eddie Jones
Eddie Jones : And what does Salome do when she hears the music?
Curly : Salome dances!
Toby Marshall : You mean she'll do anything you tell her to?
Eddie Jones : Anything that's not against her fundamental principals.
Toby Marshall : Well?
Eddie Jones : Well what?
Toby Marshall : Well, what are her fundamental principals?
Eddie Jones : How should I know? I never saw her until she walked through that door. What are your fundamental principals, honey?
Curly : What fundamental principals?
Eddie Jones : What are you? Some sort of dancer?
Curly : Student.
Eddie Jones : Student?
Curly : Interpretative student.
Eddie Jones : Come again?
Curly : What they say: exotic.
Eddie Jones : Just to keep the record straight, it was me that put the whammy on her, not him.
Stormy : Well, two and a half cheers for you.
Eddie Jones : Please, may I kiss her goodbye?
Stormy : Just don't try to show off.
Eddie Jones : Thanks.
[kisses a hypnotized Curly]
Toby Marshall : Say, could I pick up that raincheck now?
Eddie Jones : He didn't get one first time around.
Stormy : Oh, sure. And line up the rest of the college, too, why don't you?
[Toby gives hypnotized Curly a long kiss]
Eddie Jones : I'm sorry Mr. Wedge. I didn't know I could hypnotize anybody - much less a girl.
Eddie Jones : If I'd a known I could hypnotize a girl, I'd a been at it *years* ago.
Eddie Jones : She was walking around out there in here nothin' outfit.
Eddie Jones : Welcome back to Earth, space girl!
Curly : Back off, buster.