Captain Scarlett (1952) is a 1953 American adventure film directed by Thomas Carr, that was shot in Mexico as three episodes of a television pilot. The film is set in France following the fall of Napoleon, stars Richard Greene in the title role as a Robin Hood-type avenger and the Brazilian actress Leonora Amar in her final screen role as "Princess Maria."
Opening credits: "The characters and events depicted in this photoplay are fictitious. Any similarity to actual persons, living or dead, is purely coincidental ..."
Richard Greene was well cast for this historically fictional romp. Known as a swashbuckling hero on- and off-screen, Greene rivaled Tyrone Power in athletic build and prowess, as well as boyish good looks. Not long after this movie, he won the lead role in one of the most successful television series of the 1950's: The Adventures of Robin Hood (1955).