- Jim Canfield: No decent human being can kill a person in cold blood.
- Marcia Stoddard: Start any trouble and you'll find out different.
- Granny: What do you want?
- Johnny Greer: Get out of that bed.
- Granny: What are you up to?
- Johnny Greer: Get up.
- Granny: I can't. I'm a poor old woman lying in a bed of pain reading my bible, you blood thirsty weasel.
- Jim Canfield: You know I've seen hound dogs get on a trail that led nowhere. Stick on it until they dropped. I didn't think a man could be that dumb.
- Johnny Greer: Take a look at the facts. Man gets killed, right? His money disappears. He couldn't have hid his money after he was murdered, now could he? Next you break jail and you head straight for this place. What's a fellow suppose to think?
- Jim Canfield: You talk too much.
- Johnny Greer: You don't talk enough. But you will.
- Johnny Greer: It's been a real pleasure. Just looking at ya.
- Rachel Schaeffer: I don't want you lookin' at me.
- Johnny Greer: That's what the Lord gave me eyes for. For lookin'.
- Granny: They were evil men and they touched us all with their evil. But maybe we ain't the ones to do the judgin'. We ain't without sin. None of us. So I say may the Lord have mercy on us as well as on them. And deliver us from evil and hatred. Amen.
- Barbara Purcell: Why were you watching me?
- Clyde Maxwell: I just like watching you. 'Cause you're pretty.
- Johnny Greer: Don't be afraid. I ain't gonna hurt you. Maybe I ain't a good man according to most folks but I ain't mean like you think. I just have had bad luck, that's all. Haven't met a girl to settle me down. A girl like you maybe.
- Rachel Schaeffer: Let me go.
- Johnny Greer: You know I can still feel your hand across my face? You wouldn't think a thing like that could make a fellow feel good all over now, would you?
- Granny: You got no call to be scared. They're men, not wild bear. Just ask 'em to account for themselves... Marcia, come take this rifle. Just in case they turn out to be wild bear after all.
- Jim Canfield: You're takin' a lot on yourself, aren't you ma'am? Judge, jury, hangman all wrapped up in pretty skirts? Having yourself a ladies' lynching party?