This is one of 8 Bulldog Drummond adventures produced by Paramount in the late 1930s and sold to Congress Films (II) in mid-1954 for re-release. Congress redesigned the opening and closing credits, in order to eliminate all evidence of Paramount's ownership, going so far as to even alter the copyright claimant statements on the title cards; Congress, in turn, sold the films to Governor Films for television syndication. Along the way, Paramount, having disowned the films, never bothered to renew the copyrights, and they fell into public domain, with the result that inferior VHS and DVD copies have been in distribution for many years, from a variety of sub-distributors who specialize in public domain material.
This film received its initial television presentation in New York City Monday 8 November 1954 on WCBS (Channel 2); it first aired in Cleveland 28 November 1954 on WNBK (Channel 3).