Jed Buell was inspired to make the film when he overheard an employee of his production company, Spectrum Pictures, bemoaning the state of the film business. He said, "If this economy doesn't turn around, we'll have to start making pictures with midgets."
After the film's release, Jed Buell reportedly planned to use the same cast in a film version of the story of Paul Bunyan, with a large gentleman playing Bunyan.
The earliest documented telecasts of this film were July 12, 1949 (WJBK, Channel 2, Detroit MI), November 24, 1949 (WAGA, Channel 5, Atlanta, GA), and December 10, 1949 (KSL, Channel 5, Salt Lake City, UT).
Billy Curtis, Yvonne Moray, 'Little Billy' Rhodes, Joseph Herbst, Charles Becker, Nita Krebs, George Ministeri, Karl 'Karchy' Kosiczky, Fern Formica, William H. O'Docharty, Jerry Maren, and August Clarence Swenson all subsequently were cast as Munchkins in The Wizard of Oz (1939).
One of the films included in "The Fifty Worst Films of All Time (And How They Got That Way)" by Harry Medved and Randy Lowell.