- Geoffrey Carroll: Y'know, I have the strangest feeling that this is the beginning of a beautiful hatred.
- Dr. Tuttle: Ah Christine! Been cleaning the silver, have you?
- Christine: That's right doctor, you've got a great sense of perception. How's Mrs. Carroll this morning?
- Dr. Tuttle: Improved I'm glad to say. Much improved! Oh by the way Christine, have you heard the latest about the burglar? Last night he...
- Christine: [cuts him off] I know doctor. Heard all about it.
- Dr. Tuttle: Oh, uh, where's you master?
- Christine: Up in Heaven.
- Dr. Tuttle: I beg your pardon?
- Christine: If you're talking about my 'Master', he's up in Heaven. But if you're talking about my employer Mr. Carroll, he's out in the garden.
- Dr. Tuttle: The garden? What's he doing out there on a day like this?
- Christine: Minding his own business, i should think.
- Dr. Tuttle: [Dr. Tuttle walks away] ... 'minding his own business'... humph!
- Christine: [says under her breath] Nosy old fossil.
- Cecily Latham: Have you some of your work here in the house?
- Geoffrey Carroll: A few things...
- Cecily Latham: Would you show them to me?
- Geoffrey Carroll: With the utmost reluctance
- Sally Morton Carroll: ...and Geoffrey, this is 'Penny'.
- Geoffrey Carroll: You I've got news, I don't think i'm going to like you.
- Charles Pennington: Pity, I was just about to kiss you.
- Geoffrey Carroll: [last lines - two arresting officers lead Geoffrey down the stairs] Just a minute, before we go, would you gentlemen like a drink? Glass of milk perhaps?
- [officers shake their heads no and Geoffrey shrugs]
- Dr. Tuttle: Ah Christine, this miserable weather and all... did, did you put the whiskey out?
- Christine: I knew you were coming, didn't I?
- Dr. Tuttle: Oh, good, good!
- [he walks to the bar]
- Charles Pennington: Christine, I must compliment you.
- Christine: Me?
- Charles Pennington: Yes. I feel if you were polished, thoroughly polished mind you, you'd be a rough diamond.
- [he then turns and follows the doctor to the bar]
- Christine: [Christine at first has a happy expression on her face, then the expression slowly turns into a scowl]
- MacGregor: [Geoffrey, Sally, and MacGregor have been caught in a rainstorm and Geoffrey and Sally have found shelter] You take the eave Mr. Carroll, I'll find my own shelter.
- Geoffrey Carroll: MacGregor, you are a man of tact.
- MacGregor: Aye!