- Terence J. Montgomery 'Slip' Mahoney: Mark Morgan ain't here.
- John 'Bullfrog' Burke: Well, FIND him! Whadda ya waitin' for, the Weehawken Ferry?
- Terence J. Montgomery 'Slip' Mahoney: Well, ya see, Chief, I t'ought dat de coicumstantials seem to point to the fact my honerary joinalistic contemptable was among the missin' this mornin', dat perhaps we could instigate instead dis vicarious tale. See, we of the fourth estate realize that time and tide wait for no homo sapiens. Let the quips fall where dey may. The presses shall roar tonight.
- Terence J. Montgomery 'Slip' Mahoney: Ah, Gabe ain't a bad kid. He's just goin' t'rough dat adolescent phrase of life. He hasn't learned to extinguish right from wrong.
- Terence J. Montgomery 'Slip' Mahoney: Sach is what might be classed as a very demonstrative boy. Also slightly psychiatrical.
- Terence J. Montgomery 'Slip' Mahoney: Just order anything in the house and put it on my bill. I'll, uh, charge it off to experience.
- Terence J. Montgomery 'Slip' Mahoney: Ha, at last the paper has awoke to my ability. I've reached the pinochle of my success!
- Terence J. Montgomery 'Slip' Mahoney: [as Pete the Blaster] Just flew in from Miami. Got a little warm for us down there.
- Horace Debussy 'Sach' Jones: [as Herman the Crow] Warm, warm, very warm, very warm. Unbearable! We were sweatin' bullets.
- Terence J. Montgomery 'Slip' Mahoney: Wasn't only the heat. It was de humility.
- Horace Debussy 'Sach' Jones: Would you mind posin' for a picture?
- Boxer in gym: Sure.
- Horace Debussy 'Sach' Jones: I want a very natural pose, now.
- Boxer in gym: Okay.
- [strikes a boxing pose]
- Horace Debussy 'Sach' Jones: I said natural. Get on your back. On your back.
- Boxer in gym: [starts to lie down on the floor but then catches on] Why, you...
- Terence J. Montgomery 'Slip' Mahoney: Thank you, my fatalistic friends. You have touched me to de quirk. At dis time leave me say that but for the buttin' in of fickled fate - literation, you see, or as I might call it the procrastination of destiny - I might this very day be sittin' on a bench in de Extreme Court of United States instead of bein' here breakin' bread with my friends. You folks, by de way, I want cha to know that you will remain in my heart forever as bein' my most esteemed cahoots. Now in collusion, and by way of termitin' my speech, I would like to introduce the most important cog in de wheel of my success, a happy little lad dat goes by the numb de plumb of Horace Debussy Jones, commonly known to his inmates as good ol' Sach.
- Judge: Young man, I must warn you to confine your questions and testimony to the case on hand.
- Terence J. Montgomery 'Slip' Mahoney: Judge, I'll reimburse dat order to de best of my debility. And now, wit' de court's oppressed permission, I would like to present my surprised witness - Horace Debussy Jones.
- John 'Bullfrog' Burke: Hello. Yeah. Speak louder, I can't her you!
- [pulls phone away suddenly]
- John 'Bullfrog' Burke: STOP SHOUTING!
- Defense Attorney: Your name?
- Terence J. Montgomery 'Slip' Mahoney: Terence J. Montgomery Mahoney. That's my maiden name, of course. My friends call me Slip.
- Defense Attorney: Are you employed at the New York Daily Chronicle?
- Terence J. Montgomery 'Slip' Mahoney: Well, I was till dem gregarious guys over dere decided to put the four million dollar bite on us.
- Defense Attorney: Are you acquainted with the pertinent facts involved in this, uh, libel suit.
- Terence J. Montgomery 'Slip' Mahoney: Oh, indubiously. In fact, if you condescend to give me a minute of your time, I would be glad to belay de gruesome details of de case - dat is, in a roustabout way.
- Terence J. Montgomery 'Slip' Mahoney: Sach, for once you used your brains. Have any bad effect on ya?
- Horace Debussy 'Sach' Jones: I'm a little tired.
- Mame: Oh, you're one of those reporter guys, huh?
- Terence J. Montgomery 'Slip' Mahoney: Well, "reporter" is rather a indistinguishable term. We of the fourth estate would much prefer to be called germalists. Till a few moments ago when I was so crudely interrupted, I was expounding what is known to the common layman as an exposure.
- Terence J. Montgomery 'Slip' Mahoney: [in court] You have the verbasity to call this boy a liar? Ladies and gentlemen of the jury, here is a face that is smeared with integrity, and that man DARES to call him an unirrigated liar? Dat's a gross insult to American youth. Shame. Shame! Your honor, I think I am now in condition to bring this case to its indeterminable end.
- Bobby: Since when do you write dumb with two Ms?
- Terence J. Montgomery 'Slip' Mahoney: I was usin' the plural tense.
- Terence J. Montgomery 'Slip' Mahoney: You're laborin' under a misapprehension. Mark and I woik together! He's my innuendo!
- Terence J. Montgomery 'Slip' Mahoney: Ladies and gentlemen of de jury, I'm now gonna show ya exhibits A to Z, which should conclusively conclude de conclusion. It should also end the case.
- Terence J. Montgomery 'Slip' Mahoney: Just wait'll Mark sees dis story. Sit still a minute and I'll expel the whole thing to ya. Dis is the head of the colyum: Pardon, But Your Slip is Showin' by Slip Mahoney.
- Horace Debussy 'Sach' Jones: Cleaver.
- Terence J. Montgomery 'Slip' Mahoney: Yeah, and underneath that in tintype comes, Smart money puts fix-it-finger in sports pie. And underneath dat again in smaller letters is dis story: If you big town squares figure yer getting a honest shake at some of our sports shindigs, then you still believe in Sanity Claus. Period. Coitan cute cukies are shooting all the angles; and these well-heeled angleworms are fixing the games deir way with a smart buck unde' de table. Semi-colon. It is about time the police got off their small cases and comprehended some of dese crooks. Apostrophe.