- Rick Maxon: [to Tory] Heh, if you could buy a cheap horse you'd rent your mother out as Lady Godiva.
- Silky Randall: [while Silky has a drink with Rick, Tory sits down next to Silky] Take in a movie, baby. We've got some business.
- Tory: [she kisses him] I'll stay here and be real quiet.
- [pulls out his handkerchief and wipes lipstick off his lip]
- Silky Randall: [sternly] There's a good bill at the Paradise, I'll pick you up later.
- Tory: [she rises, takes her coat and walks off] One of these days you're gonna lose me to an usher!
- Tory: Say something sweet, angel.
- Rick Maxon: You may have a brain, Tory, but you must've rented it out to a medical student!
- Tory: Does the back of my neck fascinate you, dear?
- Rick Maxon: Yeah. I'm just trying to work out where to break it.
- Silky Randall: When she asks about your background, what are you going to tell her? That you never went to Harvard? That your old man was a two-bit thief who taught you how to roll a drunk when you were 10? Or are you going to tell her that you never made an honest living, you're good shortchanging the butcher, cheating at cards, selling phony oil wells.
- Tory: Silky doesn't believe in unemployment, Rick. It's the root of all evil.
- Rick Maxon: Funny, I thought women were.
- Rick Maxon: What's up?
- Silky Randall: I just thought you'd like to know that Tory won't be with us for awhile. I'm sending her to Havana.
- Rick Maxon: She'll like it there.
- [sips his drink]
- Silky Randall: That's what the travel folders say... but somehow I have an idea she prefers you to a... Cuban rumba.
- Rick Maxon: Silky, don't let your imagination run away with you. She's your girl... if you don't trust her, get rid of her.
- Silky Randall: It's a funny thing, Rick. Tory's like a high tension wire - once you grab on, you can't let go... even if you want to... and I don't want to. I like Tory. I like her a lot.
- Rick Maxon: Well, I hope you both will be very happy... but leave me out.
- Silky Randall: [quietly] That's the way I'd like it too.
- [pauses]
- Silky Randall: I'm gonna double your take if you make good in California.
- Rick Maxon: You're generous.
- Silky Randall: Very generous... but only with money.
- Rick Maxon: Where do ya think you're going.
- Tory: There's a telephone booth down at the filling station. I'd like to get a look at Silky's face when I tell him you sent for me.
- Rick Maxon: You're bluffing.
- Tory: Come down and listen.
- Rick Maxon: Will ya try and be good girl if I let you stick around?
- Tory: I always try Rick. That's my goal, to be worthy of you.
- Madeline: Now it's your turn to guess.
- Rick Maxon: You're from New York.
- Madeline: How did you know?
- Rick Maxon: You've got 5th Avenue written all over you