Shelley Winters credited as playing...
- Silky Randall: [while Silky has a drink with Rick, Tory sits down next to Silky] Take in a movie, baby. We've got some business.
- Tory: [she kisses him] I'll stay here and be real quiet.
- [pulls out his handkerchief and wipes lipstick off his lip]
- Silky Randall: [sternly] There's a good bill at the Paradise, I'll pick you up later.
- Tory: [she rises, takes her coat and walks off] One of these days you're gonna lose me to an usher!
- Tory: Say something sweet, angel.
- Rick Maxon: You may have a brain, Tory, but you must've rented it out to a medical student!
- Tory: Does the back of my neck fascinate you, dear?
- Rick Maxon: Yeah. I'm just trying to work out where to break it.
- Tory: Silky doesn't believe in unemployment, Rick. It's the root of all evil.
- Rick Maxon: Funny, I thought women were.
- Rick Maxon: Where do ya think you're going.
- Tory: There's a telephone booth down at the filling station. I'd like to get a look at Silky's face when I tell him you sent for me.
- Rick Maxon: You're bluffing.
- Tory: Come down and listen.
- Rick Maxon: Will ya try and be good girl if I let you stick around?
- Tory: I always try Rick. That's my goal, to be worthy of you.