The fourth of 48 Bowery Boys movies released from 1946 to 1958.
The high prices and lack of anything to sell at the real estate office reflects the genuine post-war housing shortage that was occurring at the time of the film's release in 1946.
The working title for this film was "Ghost Busters."
On the wall of the sweet shop that the gang is about to break open to look for a mouse, a triangular banner hangs that says "Shattuck" over a crest. That banner is for what is now known as Shattuck-St. Mary's School in Fairbault, Minnesota. It is a private day and boarding school that was established in 1858.
Gabe arrives at the sweet shop wearing his enlisted U.S. Navy uniform. The insignia on his sleeve indicates he was a Chief Electrician's Mate. On the right breast he also wears the Honorable Dischage insignia (also known as the "Ruptured Duck") indicating he had been honorably discharged from the Navy.