- Grandma McSweeney: Margie, twenty years from now you'll look back at Johnny Green and you'll wonder what you ever saw in him.
- Margie: Twenty years from now I'll be an old woman and it won't matter what I think.
- Margie: So many wonderful things happened today.
- Grandma McSweeney: At your age, Margie, wonderful things happen every day.
- Professor Fontayne: I was just looking for Keats. Do you like Keats?
- Margie: I don't know, sir. What are keats?
- Grandma McSweeney: There now, honey, don't cry any more.
- Margie: I wish I was dead.
- Grandma McSweeney: Were dead.
- Margie: All right - were dead, then. I'll never be able to face anyone again - ever.
- Roy Hornsdale: Well, I came here to read poetry to her. Who am I gonna read poetry to now?
- Cynthia: [closing the door to the kitchen] Not me.
- Football Coach: [Tapping Professor Fontayne on the shoulder as he's dancing with Miss Palmer] May I cut in?
- Professor Fontayne: You don't want to dance with him, do you?
- Miss Isabel Palmer: [as she and the coach stroll off] He's the football coach. If I don't he might try to tackle you.
- Football Coach: You look beautiful tonight, Miss Palmer.
- Joyce Fontayne: [Listening to the hand-crank Victrola record player] Can you imagine, mother? It actually still works.
- Margie: Well, you could hardly call it an antique. It was a wedding present, and a very lovely one, too.
- Joyce Fontayne: No kidding? Gee, when I get married I hope people don't give me a lot of old junk.
- Joyce Fontayne: Oh, please, mother. Tell me about the crazy and idiotic things you did when you were my age.
- Marybelle: Gee, he must have lots of money. That's a gorgeous car.
- Johnny 'Johnikins' Green: I'll bet he uses it in funerals