This film now seems rather an oddity.The basic plot concerns the efforts of British intelligence to rescue from France an atomic scientist.The give David Farrar the identity of a French agent and send him back to France to contact the Nazi authorities,so that he can worm his way into their good books and effect the escape of the scientist,aided by his girlfriend ,who is French and pretending to be a collaborator.However heavily inter laden with this is the musical numbers which include recitals from no less than Richard Tauber.I reckon that of the first half of this film more than half are devoted to musical numbers.So this means that the plot drags along at a snails pace and the film is overlong at 100 minutes.According to Halliwell the film was based on a wartime stage success.The hit of the show being "Pedro The Fisherman".Whilst I am always interested in seeing previously unseen films I was extremely glad when it came to an end.