Virginia Welles credited as playing...
Mildred Pringle
- Raymomd Pringle: Why are you driving me home? I wasn't selling kisses. I think it's all very dumb.
- Corliss Archer: Oh, Mother, I don't see why you're making such a fuss about it. After all, it was only -
- Janet Archer: Be quiet, Corliss.
- Mildred Pringle: I'm sorry you're upset, Mother, but I don't see any harm in what we did.
- Janet Archer: Perhaps not, but you're nearly eighteen and Corliss isn't even sixteen yet. Besides, Corliss has been brought up quite differently.
- Dorothy Pringle: I resent that remark.
- Janet Archer: [to Corliss] I don't see how you could let Mildred persuade you to do such a thing?
- Dorothy Pringle: Now just a moment, Janet. As I understand it, the whole idea originated with Corliss.
- Corliss Archer: As a matter of fact, it was Dexter who started it all.
- Dexter Franklin: Me?
- [hits his head on the top of the car]
- Dexter Franklin: Ow. Holy cow, you must be crazy!
- Raymomd Pringle: I think it's all very dumb. What does it matter whose idea it was?
- Dorothy Pringle: You be quiet. It matters a great deal.
- Raymomd Pringle: No kidding, Mrs. Archer, selling kisses is recognized as a perfectly legitimate -
- Janet Archer: I don't want to discuss it, Raymond.
- Corliss Archer: Mother, if you'd only listen.
- Mildred Pringle: It was for a very noble cause.
- Raymomd Pringle: I think it's all very dumb.
- Janet Archer: When we get home, Dorothy, if you'd care to come in where we can thresh this out properly -
- Dorothy Pringle: No, thank you, Janet. I have no desire to intrude where my daughter is considered a contaminating influence.
- Mildred Pringle: Mother, please!
- Janet Archer: Why, Dorothy, I never said -
- Dorothy Pringle: Oh, yes, you did. Those were your very words, Janet. And I, for one, am not likely to forget them.
- Raymomd Pringle: Let's turn on the radio, this conversation's getting nowhere fast.
- Corliss Archer: Were you treating Betty Campbell to a Coke? That frizzed-out blonde?
- Dexter Franklin: I was--well, we just happend to meet. I mean, gee, well, well as a matter of fact, it was a root beer.
- Corliss Archer: Dexter Franklin, kindly leave this property at once.
- Dexter Franklin: Well, holy cow, I tell you...
- Corliss Archer: If there is one thing I will not stand for, it's fragrant infidelity!
- Mildred Pringle: The word is flagrant, Corliss.
- Corliss Archer: Well, what did I say?
- Dexter Franklin: You said fragrant.
- Corliss Archer: Well, I meant it. Your behavior stinks! Now get out!