For the DVD, Chapter 11 had to be redubbed almost entirely by a new cast of actors, because the soundtrack on the original negative had almost entirely crumbled off due to the ravages of time.
The Phantom was given the alter ego Godfrey Prescott in this serial because the name Kit Walker had not been used in the strip yet.
Chapter Titles:
1. The Sign of the Skull
2. The Man Who Never Dies
3. A Traitor's Code
4. The Seat of Judgement
5. The Ghost Who Walks
6. Jungle Whispers
7. The Mystery Well
8. In Quest of the Keys
9. The Fire Princess
10. The Chamber of Death
11. The Emerald Key
12. The Fangs of the Beast
13. The Road to Zoloz
14. The Lost City
15. Peace in the Jungle
The gorilla, "Brutus" who fights The Phantom in chapters 12 and 13 is played by Ray "Crash" Corrigan, stuntman and the gorilla actor for Columbia Pictures, including the Three Stooges shorts where a gorilla was featured.
Adventures of Captain Africa: Mighty Jungle Avenger! (1955) was intended to be the follow up film to this Phantom movie.