The version shown on "Film Detectives" channel has turrible sound, picture, and editing, but it's probably taken from a copy out of copyright. The ONLY name i recognize in here is Sid Melton, who, for those old enough, remember him as the bumbling contractor Alf Monroe on Green Acres! In lieu of a good script, they keep dragging character actor Emmet Lynn in as the town drunk. he keeps wandering in and bugging everyone until they ask him to scram. The lead here is Arline Judge, who was married to director Wes Ruggles for a few years. In the story, a woman takes a job at a Reformatory, but she may or may not be on the up-and-up. meh. story is so-so. another low budget gangster film from PRC productions. no big thing. Directed by Edgar Ulmer, bigshot at PRC film Productions. Ulmer had started in the silents, and worked his way up to head of production, making both good films, and some real cheesy, low budget ones along the way. SO many better films to see. can skip this one, and go do something else. anything else.