Lupe Velez credited as playing...
Consuelo Cordoba aka Honolulu Lu
- Consuelo Cordoba aka Honolulu Lu: [singing] If you're missing, The kind of kissing, Your mother never gave to you, Just listen, buddy, I'll drive you naughty, Cause that's the kind of work I do...
- [first lines]
- Don Estaban Cordoba: Ah, my little pigeon, five days on the water and here we are in the land of romance, the home of the ukulele, the pearl of the - eh - what the name of this ocean?
- Consuelo Cordoba aka Honolulu Lu: Pacific Ocean.
- Don Estaban Cordoba: Pacifico. Anyway, it is the home of the hula hula and the wicky wacky wu!
- Consuelo Cordoba aka Honolulu Lu: Oh, it's no use. You're a Jesse James, a Casanova, a Bluebeard! Oh, but I love you. One of these days I'm going to leave you. Oh, yes I will. Don't laugh.
- Aloha: Maybe you need a maid, huh? Me like to be your maid. Please don't refuse me, your's sincerely, Aloha.
- Consuelo Cordoba aka Honolulu Lu: That very sweet of you; but, a maid is the last thing I need.
- Aloha: That's right. Last come, first serve. Aloha ready. Missy take Aloha home now?
- Consuelo Cordoba aka Honolulu Lu: I'd love to; but, Missy got no home.
- Aloha: That's a fine. Aloha like Missy. Missy come live with Aloha. Her home, fine big house, tin roof, never leak. Everything settled. What next, Missy.
- Consuelo Cordoba aka Honolulu Lu: Yes. That's right. What next? Next?
- Bennie Blanchard: Say, where did you learn to throw your hips around like that?
- Consuelo Cordoba aka Honolulu Lu: At the New York Hips-a-drome.
- Consuelo Cordoba aka Honolulu Lu: [singing] They call attention, To the beach and the ocean, To the cute hula motion, But I'm her to claim, That I offer fame, to Honolulu lu, Honolulu Lulu, They come from near and far, Honolulu Lulu...
- Bennie Blanchard: He's very clever. But, I'm gonna turn the tables and chairs and everything...
- Consuelo Cordoba aka Honolulu Lu: Oh, I give up. I've been double-crossed from Valparaíso to Madagascar; but, I never before let a broad-headed moll get me into a jam like this!
- Aloha: Aloha know a job.
- Consuelo Cordoba aka Honolulu Lu: Well, why didn't you tell me?
- Aloha: Oh, it's not a very good one.
- Consuelo Cordoba aka Honolulu Lu: Where is it?
- Aloha: At Blue Chip Cabaret. Nothing to do but be pretty. Easy for you, Missy Consuelo.
- Bennie Blanchard: How old are you?
- Consuelo Cordoba aka Honolulu Lu: I'm 22 years old. I weigh five feet three and a half and stand 108 pounds in my naked feet.
- Bennie Blanchard: What's your name?
- Consuelo Cordoba aka Honolulu Lu: Oh, I told you. Consuelo Maria Cordoba.
- Bennie Blanchard: No, no. That's too long for this kind of a place.
- Consuelo Cordoba aka Honolulu Lu: Okay, take out the Maria. I don't like it anyway.
- Bennie Blanchard: Nah. Nah, it's still to long. I think I'll call you Lulu.