This film is a cultural masterpiece on many levels for students of Judaica. In the first place, the action takes place in a city with a major Jewish population, because of the number of cantorial candidates. Secondly, the members of the synagogue are Conservative. We can tell because their beards are neatly trimmed, yet they keep their heads covered. It is also a Lithuanian congregation, judging by the members' reaction to the comments--not understanding German, the need for a Lithuanian Cantor, etc. The talent that Waldman displays is not to be understated. It isn't easy to sing in different accents, and yet Waldman pulls it off. I won't spoil the fun, but imagine yourself as a Conservative American Jew in the 1930's; who would you hire as a Cantor? A Lithuanian, A German, or an American? Watch the film and see for yourself who wins the election. You won't be sorry.