The story line is kind of corny, but probably very serious for its time..the depressing '30's. I don't know if the Met or any opera house has any film on Miss Moore, so we are fortunate that a small movie studio at that time, Columbia studios saw the potential to get her in the movies Like I said the story line is corny, how a woman who 'sang a little' did not know she had a voice. It takes years of training to put that voice in affect. Another, is the ending, where Leo's character finds the gamblers waiting for him, when they had already been paid off by Miss Moore...Some Italians today may be disturbed the way the Italians are portrayed, and their Englishese..back in those days. Watching this movie brought to mind a couple of movies that ran along the same theme..."Love Me or Leave Me" with Doris Day playing the "Moore" part and James Cagney, "Leo Carillo's" part and in real life, Sophia Loren and Carlo Ponti, and Cion and her husband. BTW, I think I read somewhere that Leo Carillo spoke perfect English, and even displayed in a couple of early movies, before he eventually became "The Cisco Kid's", sidekick.