This Hal Roach comedy short, A Quiet Street, is the fifth in the "Our Gang/Little Rascals" series. The print I saw of this on YouTube was missing the intertitles written by H.M. Walker as well as the drawings of Tom McNamara who was also the co-director with Robert F. McGowan. A shame as the authors of the definitive Our Gang filmography book-Leonard Maltin and Richard W. Bann-mentioned them as "amusingly written and wonderfully illustrated (even animated)". Good thing I read the synopsis the book provided as well as the info printed under the YT screen before watching this. In a nutshell: A new kid is in town and he's a bully to little Jackie so the gang beat him up for retaliation. But the new kid's father is a cop so when he confronts them, they run but the real reason he comes near them is because a mugger is also nearby. I'll stop there and mention there's also some good visual gags concerning Mickey Daniels' tooth being pulled by a dog, Ernie Morrison rolling in a barrel (though a commenter on YT noted a missing payoff sequence involving a man and his car that I would have loved to have seen), and that dog chasing that bad guy up a long flight of stairs that looks a little like the ones Stan Laurel & Oliver Hardy had trouble with in The Music Box...Oh, and this turned out the be the last series entry to feature leading lady Peggy Cartwright though since she's in the background of the beginning scene, you hardly notice her. In summary, I liked A Quiet Street despite the missing parts I noted above.