Chinatown, San Francisco serves as the backdrop to this intriguing story of a couple of criminals, having stolen some jewels in a heist, holed up in an apartment building to stay low from the cops and another criminal they rooked named Black Mike. The woman, played with fiery intensity by a ravishing Priscilla Dean, and man, Dapper Bill played by Wheeler Oakman with some charisma, soon realize they want to go straight and make new lives for themselves. An older Oriental figure of some importance in the Chinatown community had been telling Molly, Dean's character, and her father that crime does not pay and lives can all be changed for the good. This influence and the kindness/understanding that goes with it, the love that develops between Molly and Bill, and a small child that wends his momentary ways into their hearts all help this transformation of character take place. Outside the Law is a really remarkable film for a number of reasons when you considered it was made in 1920! Director Tod Browning shows that he can direct. After all he learned under the master himself, D. W. Griffith. Browning paces the flow and action of the film very nicely and manages to create characters that are not just stereotypes but three-dimensional. The acting helps do this naturally as well as all of it is quite good, but make no mistake - acting honors go to the "Man of a Thousand Faces" Lon Chaney in an early screen role well before he and Browning were stars. Chaney is brilliant not only as the nefarious Black Mike - oozing oily charm, but also as Ah Wing, the Asian helper to the old Chinese friend of the Madden family. Chaney could have played both roles in a very stereotypical fashion and still be credible, but Chaney pours his heart into each and makes them truly believable. As Ah Wing he is also almost undetectable. As far as Chaney's very early features go, Outside the Law is currently my favorite.