Silky Moll (Priscilla Dean) is a renowned thief and the daughter of gang boss Silent Madden (Ralph Lewis). They're friends with Chinatown businessman and personal counselor Chang Lo (E. Alyn Warren), who has convinced them both to go legit and leave their life of crime. Rival gangster Black Mike Sylva (Lon Chaney) needs Silky Moll's skills for a jewel heist, so he concocts a frame-up on her dad that drives the angry young woman back into the life. However, fellow criminal Dapper Bill Ballard (Wheeler Oakman) gives Silky the lowdown, and the two of them steal the jewels for themselves. They go into hiding until things cool down, during which time they both reflect on the life they've lived and what their future holds. Chaney also plays Ah Wing, the Chinese servant of Chang Lo. Also featuring Anna May Wong.
There's a lot to applaud here, and also some to lament. On the positive side, both Dean and Oakman are terrific. They were a real couple at the time, and they have genuine chemistry. Dean, in particular, gives one of the most nuanced, multi-layered performances by an actress that I have seen from this period in film. One thing that helps is Browning's use of close-ups, allowing the performers to emote more naturally. Chaney is of course terrific, but this brings up the issues I have with the movie.
The only version that survives is a re-release from several years after the original premiere, and a good chunk of footage had been edited out, namely the majority of the sub-plot featuring the Chinese characters Chang Lo and Ah Wing, and it's a real shame, too, since, although still being played by Caucasian actors in "yellow-face", the Chinese are treated with respect, and Confucian philosophy and its strength are keys to the plot. What remains of the film is very enjoyable, though, and the climax is a surprisingly violent, fast-edited powerhouse. Recommended.