Miarka, the granddaughter of Romany Kate, according to her grandmother, is to marry a gypsy chief-whereabouts unknown. Romany Kate, Miarka and her tame bear, live upon the estate of an old gentleman who tolerates Kate because of his interest in gypsies, and more particularly because he has a gypsy document which he cannot decipher. A gardener, in love with Miarka, robs the master and sets fire to the home, making it appear that Kate is the guilty one. She is convicted but later Miarka's pet bear kills the gardener and he confesses his crime before he dies. Kate, realizing Miarka is in love with the master's nephew, Ivor, takes her away. Later the master tells Ivor that he is not his nephew but was found at the gate when a babe. The document is deciphered by Kate and it discloses that Ivor is the chief whom Miarka had been destined to marry.
—Wid's, October 30, 1921