- Phroso 'Dead-Legs': I'm particular who I eat with. Feed her on the floor!
- Doc: I'm down pretty low, but not so far that I'll stand for this.
- Phroso 'Dead-Legs': Yair? Well, you'll stand for anything *I* say.
- Maizie: Say, Mister! Don't get in trouble on account of me.
- Doc: I'll eat with her. I'm particular about who I eat with, too.
- Bumbu: King Lunkaboola... he... come!
- Doc: Dead-Legs, if you keep bringin' those black-birds here for your daft shows... they'll tumble to our game!
- Phroso 'Dead-Legs': Forget it, Doc! Get my box of tricks!
- Doc: We'll end up being a mess of chops for those cannibals!
- Phroso 'Dead-Legs': Chops... nothin'! I'm goin' to be king of the whole pack!
- Babe: You're lucky! You're just in time to see a big native funeral! Dead-Legs is chief Evil Spirit chaser 'round here.
- [a frightened widow is made ready for a funeral pyre]
- Babe: It's a lovely custom. When a man dies, they always burn his wife or daughter with him!
- [Maizie laughs hysterically with fright]
- Babe: That's the law of the Congo... and nothin' can change it.
- Doc: You're a puzzle, Dead-Legs. One minute you're a fiend and the next... you're almost human.
- Phroso 'Dead-Legs': You ain't here to understand me, Doc. You're here 'cause I need you to keep me crawlin'.
- Doc: At that, I guess it's healthier to be with you than against you.
- Title Card: VOODOOS! EVIL SPIRITS! The alarm spread... the jungle flared with fires lighted to drive off the natives' black fear.
- Babe: [Offered a drink] No, brother. Such beverages have never soiled my virgin lips. On second thought, perhaps a little... to check my malaria.
- Phroso 'Dead-Legs': I've been waitin' for you.
- Mr. Crane: Word comes to me that it's you who's been stealin' my ivory.
- Phroso 'Dead-Legs': And I intend to pay you for everything.
- Mr. Crane: Phroso... the magician!
- Phroso 'Dead-Legs': Right you are... Mr. Crane!
- Mr. Crane: Come on! What's this all about? What are you wrecking that girl for?
- Phroso 'Dead-Legs': You'll find out. That's why I brought you here.
- Phroso 'Dead-Legs': That's Anna's child! YOUR DAUGHTER!
- Phroso 'Dead-Legs': When I found Anna... she was dead! And that brat of yours was with her!
- Phroso 'Dead-Legs': I had her raised in the lowest dive in Zanzibar... so you could be proud of her!
- Phroso 'Dead-Legs': And now I've got a real treat comin' for her... and her father!
- Mr. Crane: You're her father... not ME! She's... your daughter! YOURS!
- Mr. Crane: Now listen! Your wife never went away with me... Do you hear? She never went away with me!
- Mr. Crane: When she found out what I did to you... she hated me!
- [members of the tribe parade around in Maizie's clothing]
- Phroso 'Dead-Legs': I'm so sorry. I thought you'd gone away, so I gave them your clothes.
- Maizie: There's nothing too low for you to do, is there?
- Bumbu: Me do like you say. Me tell white trader you steal ivory. Three days he be here.
- Phroso 'Dead-Legs': Now, go tell tribe! White trader white girl's father.
- Doc: Take this, it will make you feel better.
- Phroso 'Dead-Legs': Break that glass! I might drink out of it... by mistake!
- Phroso 'Dead-Legs': Get Doc in here to fix my back!
- Tiny: Don't let him cut into you tonight. He's full of that stuff.
- Bumbu: We... come... get... white girl!
- Phroso 'Dead-Legs': We... make... her... ready... for... funeral... here. Bring... tribe.
- Phroso 'Dead-Legs': [speaking to the newly deceased Anna] He told me you loved him. That's why I never followed you. For all the suffering he brought her... he's going to pay! I'll find him! I'll make him pay! He and his brat will pay!
- Doc: Dead-Legs, we've robbed that trader of plenty. Let's beat it before he gets us.
- Phroso 'Dead-Legs': No. I'm even goin' to send him word where to find the man who's robbin' him.
- [Doc starts to speak in protest]
- Phroso 'Dead-Legs': I said *No!* He made me this thing that crawls... now I'm ready to bite!
- Tiny: Yair, bite! I'll bet that's what the cannibals did to Babe!
- Doc: Babe's all right! I sent him to Zanzibar! He's bringin' back a little sweetheart... for Doc! A blonde one!
- Mr. Crane: Aw, you poor blind idiot! Don't you understand? She's gone! She loves me... do you hear? And I'm taking her to Africa!
- [Pushes Phroso over a second floor banister]
- Phroso 'Dead-Legs': Anna! Anna, I love you! Don't go! I love you!
- Doc: [to King Lunkaboola] Fire! Only... thing... great... Evil Spirit... fears! White master... greater... than... all... Evil Spirits! He... fears... nothing!
- [Dead-Legs waves a stick of fire and pretends to swallow it]
- African Native: Voodoo... come! Big... like... elephant! No... try... take... ivory... out... some... more!
- Mr. Crane: White master... no... 'fraid... voodoo! Go... tell... tribe!
- Mr. Crane's Assistant: Cripes, Gov'nor... the Evil Spirit is at it again!
- Mr. Crane: Evil Spirit... my eye! It's somebody robbing me of my ivory!