John Gilbert credited as playing...
Prince Danilo
- Prince Danilo Petrovich: Where the devil did you get these pictures?
- Danilo's Adjutant: From my barber--he said he got them in Paris.
- Prince Danilo Petrovich: [after Sally rebuffs his advances] Do you think that will stop me?
- Sally - The Merry Widow: If you don't, you'll be wearing wings and playing a harp!
- Sally - The Merry Widow: Say, Colonel--your boy-friend here just tipped me off that you are--a Prince?
- Prince Danilo Petrovich: Miss Sally - if *I* am a Prince--*he* is the Crown Prince!
- Sally - The Merry Widow: And me--I'm Pavlova!
- Prince Danilo Petrovich: You must have had many admirers in your own country--who gave you suppers like this.
- Sally - The Merry Widow: You'd be surprised--how many suppers I've run away from--hungry--! Because my host got fresh.
- Prince Danilo Petrovich: Did you always run away--when your host--got fresh?
- Sally - The Merry Widow: Always!
- Sally - The Merry Widow: You shouldn't have come in here.
- Prince Danilo Petrovich: I know I shouldn't--but--you shouldn't be so sweet, Sally.
- Prince Danilo Petrovich: [examining Sally's hands] Exquisite little nails! I wonder if they'd scratch--I took just one kiss--?
- Prince Danilo Petrovich: It's very strange--I brought you here as a whim of the moment--and now--I never want to let you go out of my life again. You're so good--so sweet--so fine.
- King Nikita: Are you still drunk? Or are you crazy?
- Prince Danilo Petrovich: Neither, Your Majesty. I'm going to marry Miss O'Hara because I love her!
- King Nikita: Well, what's marriage got to do with love?
- Queen Milena: Yes--what has love to do with marriage?