"The Electric Hotel" is a very whimsical film--one that manages to make you smile over a hundred years later. This is a very unusual production, however, for director Segundo de Chomón as he himself stars in the film. He also appears with his wife, Julienne Mathieu--though she appeared in lots of his films without him.
"The Electric Hotel" is a completely silly film--and it intends to be. A couple arrive at a very modern hotel--so modern that the clothes put themselves away! In addition, by pushing buttons, the room will clean your shoes (this bit went on a bit too long), give you a makeover and even write a letter home telling everyone how much you are enjoying your vacation! All of this is achieved through stop-motion cinematography. While this is a relatively primitive technique and been done successfully for several years by the time this film came out, it is done very well and makes for some convincing effects. Overall, I'd rate this as one of Chomón's best--and still highly enjoyable today.