Borrowing shamelessly from "A Tale of Two Cities", an American agent, Harvey Birch (Herbert Rawlinson), exchanges places in prison with Henry Wharton (J. W. Pike'), a condemned British offic... Read allBorrowing shamelessly from "A Tale of Two Cities", an American agent, Harvey Birch (Herbert Rawlinson), exchanges places in prison with Henry Wharton (J. W. Pike'), a condemned British officer and brother of a woman,Frances Wharton (Ella Hall he greatly admires, and goes to the g... Read allBorrowing shamelessly from "A Tale of Two Cities", an American agent, Harvey Birch (Herbert Rawlinson), exchanges places in prison with Henry Wharton (J. W. Pike'), a condemned British officer and brother of a woman,Frances Wharton (Ella Hall he greatly admires, and goes to the gallows. After his death, General George Washington (William Worthington),reveals the true ... Read all