The opening sequence to the series begins with Bumblebee and Wheeljack. These are the same two characters that open up the original Transformers cartoon series in the 1st episode, "More than meets the eye (part 1)".
Peter Cullen, who voices Optimus Prime in most media, openly criticized Netflix's decision to use voice actors who are not members of the Screen Actors Guild, which is typically done as a cost-cutting measure (since non-union actors don't have a bare minimum rate).
First project from Rooster Teeth Studios for a third party platform which breaks a 17 year long streak of producing content solely for their own website.
Bumblebee has never transformed in the show. It may be the only Transformers show that Bumblebee didn't transform into alt-mode.
The character models are very closely based on the the figures from the Siege toyline.