- Always Good Movies [Filipe Freitas]
- Awards Radar [Kendall Tinston]
- Backseat Mafia [Rob Aldam]
- Battle Royal with Cheese [Trent Neely]
- Blu-ray [Brian Orndorf]
- CineTalk [Daria Gamliel]
- Common Sense Media [Tara McNamara]
- Culture Mix [Carla Hay]
- Cultured Vultures [Grady Bolding]
- Dennis Schwartz
- Elitisti [Mika Helminen]
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- Eye for Film [Jennie Kermode]
- Film Authority [Eddie Harrison]
- Film Critic [Michelle Miller]
- Film Festival Today [Christopher Llewellyn Reed]
- Film Threat [Alex Saveliev]
- Geek Vibes Nation [Dom Fisher]
- HeyUGuys [Em Breen]
- Humans [Sean Patrick]
- Irish Film Critic [Thomas Tunstall]
- Josh at the Movies [Josh Batchelder]
- Killer Movie Reviews [Andrea Chase]
- Lola on Film [Milana Vujkov]
- Los Angeles Times [Katie Walsh]
- Mama's Geeky [Tessa Smith]
- Mark Reviews Movies [Mark Dujsik]
- Mercury News [Randy Myers]
- Movie Nation [Roger Moore]
- MovieBabble [Aubrey McKay]
- Music City Drive-In [Ricky Valero]
- Nights and Weekends [Kristin Dreyer Kramer]
- Notes on Films
- Parent Previews [Kirsten Hawkes]
- Reel Honest [Pamela Powell]
- Search my Trash [Michael Haberfelner]
- Solzy at the Movies [Danielle Solzman]
- SPL!NG [Stephen 'Spling' Aspeling]
- The Artful Critic [Jeremy Kibler]
- The NYC Movie Guru [Avi Offer]
- The Sleepless Critic
- Times Herald [Jonathan W. Hickman]
- Variety [Guy Lodge]
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