To Bloom at Night
Follows two students, Lily and Matthew, as they struggle to find their true inner-selves through art and love. While this is happening, however, social conformity consumes their high school,... Read allFollows two students, Lily and Matthew, as they struggle to find their true inner-selves through art and love. While this is happening, however, social conformity consumes their high school, creating popular kids, bullies, and people hiding who they are. Set in the modern social ... Read allFollows two students, Lily and Matthew, as they struggle to find their true inner-selves through art and love. While this is happening, however, social conformity consumes their high school, creating popular kids, bullies, and people hiding who they are. Set in the modern social media age, the film captures a coming of age story in a raw, realistic way, that doesn't s... Read all