11 of 41 found this moderate
A few sex scenes with some nudity, thrusting and moaning.
A naked woman is found in a bath tub passed out. Her breasts are visible.
Unvovered, naked couples are shown in the act. Sceenes are rather short, but explicit.
10 of 14 found this moderate
A couple of scenes where apartments and houses get shot up
A boy is shot twice. Two bloody bullet holes are shown in his chest.
16 of 20 found this severe
Pervasive language throughout each episode. "Fuck", "shit", and "nigga" are all used.
8 of 17 found this moderate
A main subject matter of the show is drug dealing
Several scenes where characters smoke marijuana.
A main characters mother is an alcoholic, there is a scene where she is found passed out in a bath tub. This scene is pretty disturbing.
Ghostface Killah (Dennis) is seen rolling up a fat marijuana blunt.
8 of 18 found this moderate
The show can be dark and suspenseful at times since this show was taken during a crime event.