The Co-op is near flawless in the way it looks and pulls off this amazing effect where it looks like a mega-budget film. That being said, none of it works without the actors really leaning into what at first is unexpected turn after unexpected turn. Then almost seamlessly and comically leaning heavily into that premise with almost daring tongue and cheek precision. To then to hit you with one last twist. Josh Matthews especially shines as the frustrated robber. Also there is a great sequence with Cameron's (the filmmaker) father, David. One of the funniest scenes in the short. Cameron S Mitchell is a director that I think will be someone to keep an eye on, he was born to tell stories and does it well. This is a triumph that keeps you engaged, laughing, and just amazed. Awesome that a film like this exists. Even more awesome that Slamdance gravitated toward it (not surprised at all though).