"The Suicide of Lillian Sellers" is an enigmatic short film about a man who travels to the countryside to investigate the mysterious circumstances of
her cousin's suspicious death. There, he meets the girl's best friend, a female fighter who might the answers he wants it but he'll have to fight with her
in order to get to some conclusion.
Well filmed and well acted, the short is slightly interesting to see. It doesn't provide with a clear response on why Lillian was possibly killed or anything,
it's more focused on the illegal fight between the man and the woman and that's it - that was the curious part of the film, I don't think I ever seen
anything similar and it was a very dramatic moment when the man finds out that her cousin was involved with dangerous people. The cinematography is amazing
and the fight was very suspenseful and dramatic. A nice short film even though I wanted to know more, a more developed and longer story. 8/10.