WSU Mudslide Recovery
On the morning of Saturday, March 22, 2014, a portion of an unstable hill collapsed, causing the most deadly natural landslide in US history. A wave of mud and debris, 25 feet high and trave... Read allOn the morning of Saturday, March 22, 2014, a portion of an unstable hill collapsed, causing the most deadly natural landslide in US history. A wave of mud and debris, 25 feet high and traveling 60 miles an hour, engulfed an entire neighborhood four miles east of Oso, Washington.... Read allOn the morning of Saturday, March 22, 2014, a portion of an unstable hill collapsed, causing the most deadly natural landslide in US history. A wave of mud and debris, 25 feet high and traveling 60 miles an hour, engulfed an entire neighborhood four miles east of Oso, Washington. It swept across the Stillaguamish River and buried State Route 530, cutting off communica... Read all