A promising anthology, consisting of four shorts. Short stories have to be about the idea, but when the execution delays not only the twist, but also the idea, to a reveal at the end, then it could become a problem. Action works so much better than drama to get the story going, as the viewer needs a reason to care about the characters, fast. Segments
Seed (2016) and
IN/FINITE (2017) fall for that trap, by showing drama with people we're not invested in yet.
Phoenix 9 (2014) is the best of the stories, with less drama and more action, and a dilemma ending. The last segment,
Redux (2015), is too short even for a short. Like someone shredded half the script - So many unanswered plot points prevent to make this a memorable story. Even famous face
Eric Roberts can't save that. The sci-fi is light for the most part. The A.I. from the title wasn't the connecting element though, and plays no central role, so I found that to be a little misleading.