30 reviews
The original script and the original scenes that were taped were good. Something really bad happened in the editing room. As the cast watched it, we were quite confused by all of the missing scenes and parts put together randomly. We were so disappointed that we had spent so much time filming this, for it to become a complete flop. Honestly...the idea was originally great. It just needed A LOT of guidance and "film school" magic. Some of us are real actors and learned so much about how hard it is to self direct, self produce, self edit. I wish I had access to all the cut scenes! We were literally floored when it premiered...and had a very hard time accepting the end result. John Wilson is a very creative person...he just needed to have funds to hire a tech crew who could do something with his vision.
Looks like it was filmed on a flip phone from a 6th grader.its episodes are like 17 minutes each .the story what story it's just a bunch of pointless scenes placed together
- cmpresador
- Jul 2, 2019
- Permalink
Without a doubt, this is one of the worst shows I have seen in my life. So bad, that calling it a show is a disgrace to what a show actually is... These a 10 minute YouTube videos with bad audio, poor writing and atrocious camera work. If this were submitted as a thesis project, they would not graduate film school.
- thechaunceycrawford
- Jul 24, 2019
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I feel terrible for the cast and "crew" for this tv show. I've been apart of college senior films that had no budget that makes this look like amateur work..
I feel bad, but someone needs to tell these people that this is terrible. The sound is DREADFUL. You can barely hear what the "actors" are saying. The script is bad. this lighting is terrible. In one scene, the cops badge was upside down!! I mean really?! none of the professionals saw that??
If you read the 5 star reviews, the director, or someone from the crew keeps saying "Emmys here we come! Building a legacy." Seriously?!?! Who is delusional enough to believe this will win an Emmy? Are these people mad??
I feel bad, but someone needs to tell these people that this is terrible. The sound is DREADFUL. You can barely hear what the "actors" are saying. The script is bad. this lighting is terrible. In one scene, the cops badge was upside down!! I mean really?! none of the professionals saw that??
If you read the 5 star reviews, the director, or someone from the crew keeps saying "Emmys here we come! Building a legacy." Seriously?!?! Who is delusional enough to believe this will win an Emmy? Are these people mad??
- fbuff-97204
- Jul 21, 2019
- Permalink
OMG the guy who made this skit is delusional.and yes it's a skit because I've never seen a show with 13 minute episodes.so i went to see who made this and happened to find his Facebook and he's talking like he's a Hollywood superstar.this I can't even call this a show and how it made it on Amazon prime just blows my mind.words cannot describe how bad this skit is.its almost like he's trolling because there's no way anybody could find this skit even remotely satisfactory.its the worst piece of film I've ever watched.and I've watched alot of movies.dont waste your time
- cmpresador
- Jul 24, 2019
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This is so bad looks like it was filmed with a potato.please don't waste anyone's time by making horrible content.i never heard of a series with 10 minute episodes.
- cmpresador
- Jul 11, 2019
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Omg 😂 is this a joke .who in their right mind would put their name on this project.its career suicide however after watching it all 27 minutes combined it's safe to say none and I mean none of these people will ever have an acting career.lools like they found people off the street to play these roles.its horrible
- cmpresador
- Jul 24, 2019
- Permalink
This series was complete garbage. There is no dialogue, poor video quality, and the sound is horrible. Like most people living in the area I was ecstatic to see this and followed the hype surrounding it. I am sad that I added to the number of viewers for this film. The only hope for it is if it became a cult classic to laugh at.
- kcolli-30723
- Jul 23, 2019
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Perhaps the best thing I can say about this attempt at filmmaking is that is it not the worst thing I have ever watched. There are a few decent songs in the series, which saved it from being a 1/10 in my mind. Overall, the acting, editing, lighting, sound, direction, and series is bad. Don't waste your time watching this failed attempt at filmmaking. 2/10
- JohnJax468
- Aug 14, 2019
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I think this will turn out to have the same effect as "In Living Color" in terms of a low budget project that catches on and leaves a legacy of Greatness.
- warrencole-28670
- Jul 8, 2019
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I think for a new show this is going to be great. I can tell as this goes forward it will be big.
- porterfieldterry
- Jul 7, 2019
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I'm sorry to the people of Youngstown Ohio for being fooled by all the hype this film had for over a year now. I'm sorry to the aspiring first time actors who didn't get a dime and will probably never get another role again bc this film was so bad. This film is a clear example of someone who thinks more of themselves than what they really are and scams people into believing it. This person is clearly delusional and this lacks talent on just about every level!
- tinogenovese
- Jul 15, 2019
- Permalink
This is a disgrace! If you can't put something out there worth watching please don't waste anyone's time. The acting was bad, the writing was worse. Didn't even deserve the 15 minutes of Fame it got.
- Tino_genovese
- Jul 5, 2019
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To the people who are trying to act in this show who are not actors but aspiring actors.dont waste anymore of your time with this school project.because this is so bad it's gonna be impossible to find any work after this.ive never seen anything so bad .it's absolute trash.i can only surmise this was created by a child because it's so bad that I can't even explain what I just watched
- cmpresador
- Jul 24, 2019
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Man, Who bought the VTech Kidizoom Camera Connect, Blue Real 1.3 megapixel kids cam last Christmas for John Wilson? Well thanks cause he's done rounded up all his neighborhood friends and their playing in the alleys now trying to make a film!
- Franco-876543
- Aug 2, 2019
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This is crazy bad.i can't believe it's real.its so bad I can't imagine how it was even made.dont waste your time
- cmpresador
- Jul 10, 2019
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What did I just watch.as everyone else is saying,looks like something a child wrote.acting is horrible and the picture quality is abysmal.how did amazing prime give the green light to such a travesty of a kiddie project
- cmpresador
- Jul 10, 2019
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Being a native Ohioan I was ecstatic when I seen "Youngstown, Ohio" on the intro and then It took me all of 6 seconds until I told my wife to turn the channel. I knew... I have misjudged before, no one's perfect - But, when it's THIS bad, Ray Charles could tell you the exact same thing in the same amount of time or less on sound alone. #YouHaveBeenWarned
- donaldwelshimeriii
- Jul 8, 2019
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The clown who made this thinks he's the guy who made the wire.i.mean I don't know what this is supposed to be , a joke or serious.its so bad words can't describe it
- cmpresador
- Jul 29, 2019
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An epic series, history in the making.
The family, how would you be treated?
The family, how would you be treated?
- Kasimchaudry
- Apr 12, 2019
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- alisona-94575
- Jul 11, 2019
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I can't believe they let children make plays.because it seems like it was written by a child.come on this is so bad even the actors and I use that term very loosly because these people obviously were picked from the street are not talking about it anymore.before it was seen they were all over social media talking about how it's the next sopranos then reality hit them.they realized it's trash and not a peep out of any of them except for the wanna be director
- cmpresador
- Aug 1, 2019
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This is terrible.i seen this clown on local television boasting about this show.i had no hopes going in but he seemed pretty confident this was gonna be a big hit.so I watched it and I was laughing the whole time.it looked like something a child would make.it was absolute garbage.when I think of all the news anchors that interviewed this clown and the reaction they got after watching this trash I smile.i was really hoping I was wrong.but this is so bad you have to wonder how it even made Amazon
- cmpresador
- Jul 27, 2019
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I've never seen anything like this.its so bad you have to wonder if there's something wrong with the person who made this.its just a bunch of random horribly acted scenes spliced together filmed with a potato.its bad
- cmpresador
- Aug 10, 2019
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This clown who made this couldn't even make an original title for this garbage film.theres a book out since 2016 called mafia ties ,if I was the owner is Sue this clown ,however after watching all 24 minutes 3 episodes it's safe to say they wouldn't get much.worse film I've ever seen .hands down horrible
- cmpresador
- Jul 27, 2019
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