The soundtrack, created by Boris Gardiner, has been brought back into mainstream attention recently due to the title track being sampled in Kendrick Lamar's 2015 album To Pimp a Butterfly, as well as being used in the 2016 film Moonlight.
The film tried to capture the culture of the post-independence Caribbean and showcase black creativity. Its primary intention was to remove the negative connotations of the word "nigger" and change it into a term of black pride.
Yale University professor Erica Moiah James has described it as a lost film, indicating that no prints are known to still exist.
The idea for the film came from Calvin Lockhart, who was in Jamaica at the time to star in The Marijuana Affair. In response to his then-recent declarations that black actors had no impact on the industry in Hollywood, he decided to start working on his own projects.
After the film's flop, it quickly disappeared from theaters. Outside of Boris Gardiner, nobody involved with its production is known to have mentioned it since its release, possibly out of embarrassment.