Shen Yi Zhen, an heir to a conglomerate, lives in America. He's reluctant to return home when his family tells him to, as he still struggles to overcome his illness...
After being kidnapped by Cui Hao Ye, Bai Xin Xin tries to make sense of the situation. Assitant Chang and Director Guan continue to try and find Shen Yi Zhen
Xin Xin wonders why every personality but Cui Hao Yue has appeared before her since she became Yi Zhen's attending doctor. Has he made his peace with Yi Zhen, or is this the calm before the storm?
Shen Yi Zhen confronts his mother after discovering that she was behind Xin Xin's abduction. Following the abduction, Bai Xiang Rong demands that Shen Yi Zhen get away from his sister.