114 de 323 acharam que isso é leve
Very mild
Lots of bath scenes, but no explicit nudity on screen
One scene where a woman gets ready for bath. She takes off her shirt and stands in front of a mirror in her underwear but the shot is out of focus and cuts away.
A woman squeezes another womans breast in S01. This is done non-sexually.
A man watches a woman praying in S01. She is wearing a sheer dress and her underwear can be seen through.
Scenes where a woman self-flagellates but the scenes are shot from behind so we only see her bare back as she undresses till her waist.
There is no explicit nudity at all.
Couple has sex in basement. No nudity scene but sex is implied. Season 1, Ep. 7.
Season1 spisode 3 a woman graps man's genetalia.
33 de 92 acharam que isso é moderada
Dorothy hurts Leanne many times throughout leaving blood marks, and a scratch on arm. Intense.
Leanne uses a whip on herself, you can see scratch marks with some blood shown briefly
A lady slips and severs her finger on a sharp handle. The finger is then accidentally shredded in the garbage disposal (offscreen, but blood sprays on a man's face).
Every episode has gratuitous violence and brutality against animals.
43 de 101 acharam que isso é moderada
Around 6 uses of goddamnit.
Lots of F-bombs throughout the show
47 de 102 acharam que isso é leve
There is alcohol usage used moderately throughout the series, pretty much in every episode.
Two characters smoke a joint
Julian snorts an unknown drug, might've been meth or cocaine. He also drinks in a scene.
56 de 101 acharam que isso é moderada