When it aired on June 2, 2018, "Marrying Mr. Darcy" became Hallmark Channel's highest-rated and most-watched "June Weddings" original movie premiere in network history.
The actress who plays Donovan Darcy's sister Zara, Yasmeene Ball is Lucille Ball's great- niece. Francis Fisher, who plays the siblings' aunt, once played Lucille Ball in a T.V. movie about her life and career.
Zara Darcy is played by Yasmeene Ball, but in Unleashing Mr. Darcy (2016) she was played by Sarah Desjardins. Desjardins was unavailable as at the time she was filming Impulse (2018) in Toronto, while this was shot in Vancouver, at the other end of Canada.
The prior film, Unleashing Mr. Darcy (2016), was based on a novel by Teri Wilson. While there is no sequel novel and she did not write the screenplay for this film, Wilson did write the story treatment for it. She also wrote another novel set after the events of this film, "Merry Christmas, Mr. Darcy", set to be published on October 16, 2018.
Aired as the first of five original films in The Hallmark Channel's 2018 "June Weddings" lineup. The prior film was part of the channel's 2016 "Winterfest" lineup.