Let's make it adequately clear that I enjoy a movie with a line or scene so stupid that I have to backtrack to watch it over in utter amazement that I had just witnessed something so shockingly and hilariously dumb, and I was able to do that a few times with this one.
Robert Scott Wilson does a very effective job in his reality star/stalker character but the good news stops there. The mother's character comes across as more bipolar than the stalker ... that crazy kind of bi-polar where was genuinely concerned for everyone around her because I was certain she'd change into an axe murderess or a werewolf at any moment, even though her character isn't bi-polar, nor written to be all that intimidating, or a werewolf. The daughter mostly repeats the same line over and over again --- "I'm not lying! Everyone else is lying!" --- giving Emily Bader a chance to really show off her range (seriously, she seemed to be a competent TV actress, this role was just horridly written). Angela Lieb as the stalker's mother really stole the show by playing her role like she was fresh out of a 1940s mobster serial.
The story arcs around the notion that a girl who has been seeing --- and calling and texting --- with a man has no way to prove she's ever had contact with the man even though he still answers calls and texts super-creepily.
I am not actually spoiling anything here. That simple, adequate evidence of their phone contact is never sought. Amazingly, the daughter, the mother, and an entire team of investigators just never seem to think of it. This movie could have been over in 30 minutes.
The whole thing lands with a resounding collective thud ... but, you know, it's the kind of trainwreck I'd sit through another time.
I should probably seek counseling.