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Film Review: True Fiction
lucasnochez10 August 2020
The relationship between authors and their subjects has been very familiar territory for the horror genre. With classic horror films like The Shining and Misery, as well as contemporary horror favourites like 1408 and Sinister, True Fiction dabbles with the idea of controlled experiment in fear being the basis for murder, chaos and mayhem.

True Fiction is a physiological film, first and foremost. Blending the very blurred lines of reality, fantasy and toying with the perspectives of its two leads, the film becomes a feast for audience members to allow their imaginations to roam freely and vividly. A game of power and control, writer and director Braden Croft blends a familiar narrative of the cat-and-mouse game into a power struggle between accomplished author and his very polite, young and sweet test subject.

As the film opens, we are introduced to Avery Malone (Sara Garcia), an aspiring writer with some dark secrets about her past and her family, who is being interview for a position as an assistant to her favourite horror writer, Caleb Conrad (John Cassini). Seeing the opportunity as a unique experience to gain some writing tips and advice for her own, eventual work, she is given the opportunity to work with her idol, and accepts the position, almost blindly. Soon, she is picked up and driven to an isolated and secluded cottage, at an undisclosed location. Relinquishing her phone and her daily responsibilities, she is given the opportunity to explore the cottage, with the exception of a few locked doors. Shortly after, the highly mysterious and reclusive writer Caleb Conrad mysteriously appears in his study, where the two lay out the terms and agreements of their working relationship. Avery, without hesitation, signs over all consent to Caleb and quickly becomes his guinea pig, playing in his little, twisted game of analyzing fear and her deepest, darkest secrets. As time passes and the lines of reality and fantasy are blurred, Avery soon begins to question Caleb's methods as well as the truths behind why she is really there in the first place.

True Fiction may not be the work of a seasoned horror master, but explores very menacing ideas of identity, at times, making Croft's execution seem a little more confusing than it should. Croft's ability to use dream-like scenarios and reality, at times, are his downfall, extrapolating the expectations and experience of the audience with sometimes uneven narrative flow. We often question Caleb's intentions, as well as, who the true protagonist and antagonist really is. The film's pace trots along quite well in the first two acts, but stalls in the third.

What's really quite interesting about True Fiction is Croft's, as well as his cast's, ability to switch the power of each character's so effortlessly and without much accountability. With each passing scene, the audience becomes quite confused, various times, as to who the villain and hero really are. The idea of submitting to your captor really gets put into question with every scene, and sometimes takes away from the overall threat that Croft sets up so patiently in the beginning.

One of True Fiction's greatest achievements, is its commitment to the craft. While Canadian horror films aren't quite applauded as much as American horror films, with the exception, of course, of a good ol' Cronenberg film, the genre of horror in Canada is one that has been deemed, unfulfilled. I mean, sure, we have film like Ginger Snaps and Splice as well as a whole slew of co-produced American/Canadian horror films, but the genre is one that has yet to breakthrough and gain the respect from audiences and critics as much as American and Japanese horror films have.

Unfortunately, True Fiction does not have the muscle to become that film that really breaks out for Canadian horror. As its character Caleb Conrad states often to Avery, her character as well as the film itself, has an uncanny ability do what its told, and follow in the footsteps of so many before them. While True Fiction may be applauded for its ability to conjure up imagination, inspire interpretation and give audiences some bloody good fun, the shocks and chills are too short lived, the acting is a bit too Canadian-campy and the story does not stand on its own two feet long enough to question whether what we are seeing is truth, reality, or merely, unpolished storytelling.
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Starts off great but lost the plot
aucottjohn7 March 2020
Had no idea where this film was going, and i was hooked. Until it got past the midway point and it sort of lost track.

The ending was trash which is why i give it 5 stars

Not a terrible film
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not as bad as the comment trolls would have you believe
natcalgary2 March 2020
The beginning was great the middle mediocre and the end sub par. at some points it was confusing but with good acting and a few crazy scenes it is deff middle of the road watchable and some may even really like it

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Depressingly Predicatable
stsinger23 February 2020
Warning: Spoilers
"True Fiction" is one of those maddening movies that makes you want to bang your head against a wall. Including some spoilers in order to let people know what they're in for. It begins with a tantalizing and fascinating story line, and then abandons it in order to be politically correct.

The film starts with aspiring writer Avery Malone (well played by Sara Garcia) getting a once in a lifetime job to be an assistant to her favorite writer, Caleb Conrad. When she gets to his house, Caleb (also well played by John Cassini) tells her that the two of them are locked in, and has her sign a contract telling her that they will be playing a "game" where they try to have her face her fears. The result is that the two of them will write his new novel based on the events of what happens between them. During the "games," she gets terrified and starts to experience paranoia and starts to question Conrad's motives and, indeed, if that really *is* Caleb Conrad...

The setup and the first 45 minutes or so are fascinating. The performances are great and believable. But if you're like me, or like anybody who has watched any movies for the past five year, you're probably saying to yourself, "A man does mean things to a woman? I'll bet that the 'twist' is that he ends up chained up while the woman - all covered in blood - tortures him, far worse than anything he ever did to her." And yup, that's exactly what happens. It was maddeningly frustrating that the entire setup, and what is actually a pretty unique plot, was thrown out the window so it could end up a "Me Too -- the woman ends up taking violent revenge on a man who was mean to her" saga.

Part of me wants to say to watch it for the first 45 minutes, appreciate the clever plot and the outstanding work by Sara Garcia and John Cassini, and then turn it off and make up your own ending. But it so totally falls apart at the end, so totally abandons the characters in order to be PC and woke that I just can't.
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a bit silly
statictraveller24 February 2020
Warning: Spoilers
This movie is a little bit nonsensical. It was quite a few plot holes and though it's still kept me a little bit interested. I found the main character Avery unrealistic. I really don't what the author expected his subject to do anyone would go crazy if that was done to them. It just got a bit silly towards the end which really let the movie down. This is why the movie gets less than 5 interesting at first but too much of a let down in the end
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Not a horror, I laugh most time
ks-6050026 February 2020
The acting scary of the actress make me laugh. Just not suit for the role she played. Story itself is so high school level that "write a scary story". Totally non sense and not scary!
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Writing a novel ... is hard
kosmasp25 May 2021
And "deadly" - for your sanity and other "things". Now the German title of the movie got a tag line that some may say is quite the spoiler ... at least it indicates something that already gives you a view into what you are about to watch. German title "givers" like to do stuff like that ... explaining or spoiling a movie ... it is what it is.

The movie may have a slow pace at the beginning, but once it gets going ... it really gets going! And yes there is only a binary choice when it comes to guessing where this leads ... so no cookie for you if you guess it right. Still this can be entertaining, while also straining and exhausting! Yes the main characters seem despicable to say the least ... or not likeable ... but if you wrap your head around that, if you suspend your disbelief ... this can be the horror/thriller you can dig and be entertained by (not literally, you know what I mean).
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bryan_finley23 February 2020
Warning: Spoilers
Enough said...... I fell asleep after the lead ignorant girl found the 2 differing signatures...... terrible, watch I SPIT ON YOUR GRAVE part 1 or part 2...... # me too GARBAGE.
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True fiction
sroldan-3921823 February 2020
Movie has you guessing from the beginning. A littlw confusing at times. But a good movie . Deserves rating higher than a 1 that's for sure.
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Just A Awful Movie With Second Rate Actors
zac-6827421 February 2020
Movie deserves a ZERO! The movie was a poorly written disappointment! The actors bad timing and over acting is unforgivable!
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Fresh and exciting
frommunichwithlove25 March 2020
First of all I have to say that - once again - my theory that the imdb crowd cannot be trusted with horror movies is confirmed. I almost didn't watch this one due to its abymal rating, but when I did, it turned out to be one of the best I've come across in a while. It's hard to say much about it without giving too much away. Let me just say this: It's starts rather slow, explodes in the second half and keeps you surprised with twists and turns along the way. For mature genre fans it is definitely a treat.
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A great directorial debut.
misanthr0pist15 March 2021
This was a pretty interesting little thriller

The plot was really fun, while a little deluded and occasionally predictable, the idea of perception-of-reality was interesting and well done. The pacing was also pretty decent, it never felt as though it was dragging, but it didn't feel rushed.

Both John Cassini and Sara Garcia played their characters well, and I feel they bounced off each other surprisingly effectively. The writing felt a little haphazard in some places but it was passable as well.

Third act was also a good way to tie thing up, though the last five minutes or so felt unnecessary. Not awful by any means though.

All in all, a fairly impressive film, even more so because it's a directorial debut. You won't be disappointed if you know what you're getting into.
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If you see a good review DON'T TRUST IT,just fake people hired by the film makers.
This film is bad.

I don't write reviews I just rate titles for fun as a movie goer. But seeing the positive reviews and this weird cult like following for this film, I have to do people justice and warn you. If you want to waste an hour and 36 minutes that's fine but just go in with a warning. Hence why did this movie not go to Theaters if it was so good? Why is it FREE on prime of its such a master piece as all these comments claim?

The writing: While starting off strong and interesting about 35 minutes in it falls flat and gets old fast. Speaking in riddles and vague language to slow comes off as choppy and almost amateur style writing. The lead actress and actor have zero chemistry when delivering dialogue to each other. It comes off as forced.

The twist: Very easy to spot which is not a bad thing, the problem is all the plot holes that follow said twist.I wont spoil it at all, I will just say that it is filled with plot holes and is not believable.

The cinematography: Very well done, the shots mainly going from pedestal shots to over the shoulder shots worked very well. The tracking shots in particular were very well executed and hard to pull off with such a small set. Sadly that can't make up for poor writing and acting.

This movie comes off as a Steven King wannabe but delivers as much as tower of darkness.
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a burning pile of trash...would at least get 2 stars.
jessicabenasic21 February 2020
Lead actress was horrid, was like watching somebody trying to act.

Lead actor wasn't too bad, he gets my 1 star.

Story itself was nonsensical rubbish. It couldn't decide what it wanted to be.

If you are a horror fan, DO NOT waste your time. If you are a new to horror view, DO NOT waste your time.
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Mostly unwatchable, slow, unintesting, a real yawn.
fluffchop22 August 2020
I progressively lost interest till the point I just didn't want to watch after 2/3rds of it. Could have been an exceptional movie as the premise was good and the setup was reasonable. But it's paced poorly, it rushed the setup, then it's just on snooze control while nothing of significance happens. I'd much much much much much rather watch any group of kids in a cabin in the woods film that this. Like I said good fresh premise but just wasted on this film.
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it was ok for a second rated movie
wolfsschanze-253849 April 2020
Warning: Spoilers
Tbh, the ending was pretty predictable. The acting was overall "OK" The story was way too illogical though, nobody descends into madness that quickly. Nobody becomes a killer like that. Today you're a kind woman, literally tomorrow you decide that you wanna kill 3 people and you not only cover it up, but also write a book and profit from it. JOKE.

Now at least I know not to always trust the supposed experts on rottentomato LOL
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The Rewrites????? Huh???
wandernn1-81-68327419 August 2020
Warning: Spoilers
We begin with a snow covered cabin in the woods where we find a masked guy with a big knife pounding on his chest motivating to do bad things. We hear screaming in the background begging for help! Credits Roll..

+1 Star I really liked the opening to set the mood.

Next a job interview.. An aspiring writer? Looking for a job as a writer's assistant. I like the interview.

Later....this interviewee she's on some talk show talking about her book. Apparently this is some dream or vision of her aspirations.

She got the job! She's an assistant. When she arrives at her job, apparently a live in job, dude takes her phone away. 'No Distractions!' he says. Well he didn't take away the record player in her cabin? That seems a distraction!!! Ruh Roh theres a locked door she finds in her big cabin. She's immediately afraid of it. Probably for good reason!!!!

She meets CALEB...her name is Avery. Introductions are made. Caleb introduces her to a 'game'. A controlled experiment in FEAR. Haha. And she is going to be the subject of this GAME.

So the experiment in fear begins. Water turning on in her cabin. Sounds from under the bed... oh no its dreams! Already?? Waking to creaking from the floor inside her cabin....

Haha trapped in some kind of wrapping she really starts to freak out. She can hear Caleb typing. Oh my she's been trapped in that cocoon thing and having weird visions.

Caleb has a woman chained up in a room and pretends he can't see her when Avery is freaking out about her. Avery runs and tries to break out of the cabin but the windows are break proof. Caleb has her locked up real good!!!! Caleb parades Allison as an actress to try to get Avery to cooperate. Avery doesn't fall for it. And Caleb gets upset.

Avery comes forward knife in hand to confront Caleb while he is typing. Caleb reads a portion of what he has written to her. Caleb allows Avery to chain him up. Caleb says 'The Sooner We Finish The book, the sooner you can go home.'

+1 Star here this is actually quite fun.

So Avery has a knife, in the dark the masked man we saw in the beginning approaches her. Avery stabbed the hell out of him. Haha. I guess he is dead.

Avery and Caleb have a long discussion, where Caleb tells Avery how he predicted her every move. Avery attacks Caleb and captures him. Caleb's friend comes to the scene and Avery apparently kills her also with a knife. I wonder if Caleb saw this coming????!!!!!!

Avery starts going through all of Caleb's stuff. His safe. His photos. LOL Caleb confesses to Avery that he's really not Caleb Conrad, and that he's an actor. This is funny stuff. That this has all been a setup from the beginning. Haha apparently he's lying! Nice Try tho!!! Really nice one!!! Avery has Caleb Conrad chained up!!!!

Caleb is finally acting like he's in real danger now. He's missing fingers. He finds his dead masked friend in the bed. Caleb and Avery have fight! Is this it???

So at the end, Avery is still alive. Cracks a horrible joke in an interview and the interviewer / talk show host cracks up laughing and so does the 'audience' / laugh track. Whoa I was stymied by how lame that joke was with the canned laughter and actually.....

-1 Star for the lame ending.

Final. 6/10 But definitely not a movie for everyone. Haha.
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Could have been
leavymusic-218 December 2020
Warning: Spoilers
Might have been good, as it turns out it becomes quite confusing, I wouldn't give it a second viewing, or eveN a first given the time again.
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Actually quite good
zack_gideon19 February 2022
This is actually quite a good movie. It's not perfect at all but I was entertained throughout. It's just insane basically - the plot is. The acting is also pretty good as well. Enjoy!
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"True Fiction": Fact is, could have made more Sense
jtncsmistad14 July 2020
Sara Garcia and John Cassini show pretty strong here as players entangled in a sick celebrity worship web. Regrettably, however, so much of what happens, or appears to happen, in "True Fiction" baffles to the practical point of incoherence.

And that's the truth.
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Fresh take on a cabin-fever flick
jaywiltzen11 March 2020
Tapping into some universal fears such as isolation, mutilation, and fear of the unknown, True Fiction explored experimentation, gaslighting, and induced fear techniques as fodder for a novelists new book. This film definitely pays homage to a few cabin-fever classics such as Misery, Hard Candy, and even the Shining, with many twists and turns. I loved it!
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What a great premise
selfdestructo21 April 2023
Aspiring writer Avery (Sara Garcia) gets a job assisting her literary hero, Caleb (John Cassini). Only, he wants to play a "game" for inspiration of his latest horror novel. Avery will be his guinea pig so that he can study fear first handedly. All of this takes place at the writer's remote cabin, where Avery is locked in until the book is complete.

And, most pressingly, is that really Caleb? (I actually thought that was a spoiler on the DVD box, but they toy with the idea starting early on).

Well, I don't know if I've ever seen a movie with so many twists in it. It certainly keeps you guessing (and for me, I was still guessing after the credits rolled). One problem with this movie is that it offers several alternate realities. I actually thought this was unnecessary (as well as confusing). If True Fiction were written, shot, and edited in a more straightforward fashion, I'm sure I'd consider this a classic slice of meta horror. It's all there, great acting from the leads, plenty of blood (if you're patient), and an abundance of intrigue and twists and turns. Why this writer/director made some of the convoluted decisions he did is a little baffling (weird for the sake of being weird?). You've really got to give it some thought. There is a great movie in here somewhere.
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It is...something
hazzah112 January 2023
The reviews for this were seemingly off the charts (according to RT). So I went in thinking I missed it a couple years ago because I had never heard of it.

Oh how I wish I could go back to that time. This movie is honestly, nothing special. But, there was certainly an effort put in to make it a bit better than an average low budget slash and hack movie.

The fine. And the story with the twists and okay. This whole film seemed like it was more or less a showcase for the main star (Sara Garcia). And she's good - but I think she's better suited for subtle drama rather than hardcore horror. That's just my opinion.

The effects and direction are all pretty good. But again, if one should miss this movie, you really aren't losing anything. It's just- okay.
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True Fiction
jordank-045432 August 2020
I liked the movie. But still confused on what was real and or not. Was he the real writer or the actor like he said. Were they really trying to kill her? Any thoughts on this. ?
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Very solid movie -- now the spam reviews make sense
uncle_kaufman24 February 2020
Warning: Spoilers
Found this movie via HAPPYWAX TV on youtube and was intrigued after his rant on downvoting trolls. Had to watch.

The movie itself is very well constructed, acted, directed and shot. It's not flawless but it's a very good movie in its own right. It's an inverted Misery with shades of the Shining like the trailer says. Now onto why I watched it in the first place...

IMDB trolls. It took me all of 30 seconds to see the criticism and 1/10 star reviews are leveled at 'woke/metoo' culture. Funny how one even says he 'stopped watching the movie after the signature scene'.... yet knows it is metoo garbage (impossible to tell if you haven't watched the entire film, and even then that's a stretch).

Great film that deserves my 8 star review + 1 star thanks to man-boy trolls. Give it a watch and makeup your own mind.
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