The Brineys, Snowdens, and Alldredges are in various stages of seeking a sister wife. With the arrival of their third wife, the Brineys all move under one roof. After a breakup, the Snowdens begin their search, while the Alldredges seek their third.
"Seeking Sister Wife" documents the lives of three unique families who are all in various phases of seeking, dating. or transitioning a new sister wife into their lives.
The Alldredges and Snowdens hope to finally meet their online potential sister-wives face-to-face. Meanwhile, tensions grow among the Briney sister-wives, April and Auralee, and Angela Briney wonders what she has gotten herself into.
April and Drew Briney celebrate a milestone anniversary, while Angela and Auralee tend to the children. The Snowdens forge ahead with potential sister-wife Joselyn. After Melina does not show up, the Alldredges regroup and focus on Vanessa's pregnancy.
Vanessa's pregnancy is in jeopardy and she faces a life-threatening surgery. The Snowdens meet up with Joselyn to see if she will come clean about sleeping with Dimitri. The Brineys go camping in hopes of easing the tension among the three wives.
The Alldredges' world is rocked by an unexpected phone call; Ashley Snowden proposes a new potential sister-wife; the Brineys get some shocking news that threatens to tear them apart.
April struggles with leaving Utah and threatens to tear the Briney family apart; the Snowdens decide whether or not to forge ahead with potential sister-wife Jakira; the Alldredges find out Melina's decision.