Synopsis: In this feature, Dr. Z plays two lead roles. One as the mask hero and the other, as the comedic inspector. In this follow up sequel, the new Fire Monkey King makes a havoc of Hong ... Read allSynopsis: In this feature, Dr. Z plays two lead roles. One as the mask hero and the other, as the comedic inspector. In this follow up sequel, the new Fire Monkey King makes a havoc of Hong Kong, as law enforcement closes in on him, he escapes to America and teams up with the com... Read allSynopsis: In this feature, Dr. Z plays two lead roles. One as the mask hero and the other, as the comedic inspector. In this follow up sequel, the new Fire Monkey King makes a havoc of Hong Kong, as law enforcement closes in on him, he escapes to America and teams up with the comedic retired inspector and joins forces in his new investigative company. Here the dynamic... Read all