T1.E1 ∙ Boobie Streamerqui., 1 de fev. de 2018Irritable Becca parodies a boobie streamer. The Urban Dictionary states that "a boobie streamer is a female gamer that wears low cut tops and usually has a bigger Web Cam overlay. Has boobies on the show to get subs and donations."Avaliar
T1.E2 ∙ Facebook Chamberqui., 8 de fev. de 2018How far would you go to appear popular and supported on Facebook? Watch "Facebook Chamber" to see one wife's questionable choices.Avaliar
T1.E3 ∙ Balls Outsex., 16 de fev. de 2018Some healthy competition with a new beau is A. HOT or B. A HOT MESS ?? Find out in IBS's new sketch "Balls Out" !.Avaliar
T1.E4 ∙ Sisterhoodsex., 23 de fev. de 2018Most women genuinely want to lift one another up but it doesn't always play out that way.Avaliar