In the Bathroom
"In the Bathroom" introduces the music of Prince Ray Pope and Pope as Theo. In this dramatic short, Pope shows range as he is an all knowing, all powerful God-like character in a white tank ... Read all"In the Bathroom" introduces the music of Prince Ray Pope and Pope as Theo. In this dramatic short, Pope shows range as he is an all knowing, all powerful God-like character in a white tank top and white jeans dispensing equal parts of charm and justice. Pope is lethally powerful... Read all"In the Bathroom" introduces the music of Prince Ray Pope and Pope as Theo. In this dramatic short, Pope shows range as he is an all knowing, all powerful God-like character in a white tank top and white jeans dispensing equal parts of charm and justice. Pope is lethally powerful yet empathetic as he rules over his intensely intimate kingdom populated by the denizens ... Read all