Karley hit the nail on the head ...no Happy Endings with the Gigalo Ash Armand. The Cowboys4Angels web site sells sex up one side and denies it down the other. Between Garren who plays the "pimp" both on the Show Gigalos and who in real life takes your reservation for the escort of your choice when you call to pick " your perfect boyfriend date." It's all just a sham. Enticing well todo ladies with steamy sex scenes on every show to the Cowboys 4 Angels website where the shows Gigalos 30 plus more men are available to hire for " companionship." All of the photos of the Men are extremely sexy.
Ash Armands intragram sexiest poses and comments geared towards sex...yet a woman is expected to pay between $4500 a day to $25,000 for a week and no Happy Endings ... Ash is one extreamly sexy very good looking man ruled by his ego not brains. Women just get ripped off...all that money...and no happy endings. A man would never put up with that. When will women be able to pay for and get Happy Endings.